Sometimes a song can be so beautifully written that it makes you cry. The song “Superheroes” by The Script has that effect on me. I’ve been listening to it for a long time and I could still put it on repeat and listen to it for hours. The musical realisation is amazing and so is the lyrics. It just holds so much truth and is uplifting and inspiring at the same time. The song tells us that it’s possible to learn from bad experiences, to gain strength from mistreatment and abuse, to become a strong and good person no matter what we went through and no matter if we were surrounded by people that made our life difficult. It tells us that the people who are appearing to be happy on the surface can be suffering inside - they are just used to pretending to be someone else, someone who is strong and fearless. It also tells us that we need to take a second look, need to try to look closer and beneath the surface to discover the truth about someone - we need to hear the full story before we judge. Even if we are in a bad situation we might still get something good out of it - strength, willpower, tolerance or simply the ability to understand others.
I’ve put the lyrics down below, it’s defo worth reading. :) x